About Us » General Information - Real Estate Pre-License
California Business Law, Legal Aspects of Real Estate, Mortgage Loan Brokering and Lending, Real Estate Appraisal, Real Estate Economics, Real Estate Finance, Real Estate Practice, and Real Estate Principles.
California Business Law
California Business Law covers important areas of the law relating to California consumers and business persons. A comprehensive look at information about what the student really needs to know - covering California Court System, contracts, sales laws, agency, California Code Sections and vocabulary definitions.
Legal Aspects of Real Estate
No other subject is as important to both the real estate practitioner and layman alike as the Legal Aspects of Real Estate. Methods of property ownership, elements of contracts, marketability of title, complications of easements, types of encumbrances, essentials of a valid escrow, landlord/tenant
law, effects of taxation and assessments, and agency relationships are but a few of the many subjects covered in depth. This course is offered entirely online.
Mortgage Loan Brokering and Lending
Mortgage Loan Brokering is designed to provide students with broad technical knowledge of State and Federal laws, which govern mortgage loan brokerage and lending in the State of California. This course is offered entirely online.
Real Estate Appraisal
Real Estate Appraisal is a basic study of residential appraisal in California, which delineates specific factors, methods, techniques, and standards of valuation. It details construction techniques, styles of architecture, functional floor plans, site evaluation, capitalization theory, and appraisal
techniques in clear, non-technical language for the beginning appraisal student. Special purpose appraisals are explained, and examples of appraisal reports are included.
Real Estate Economics
Real Estate Economics is about money and its effect on real estate values. The approach is both direct and practical, combining principles from general economics and residential real estate practices in order to study changes in real estate activity. The main focus is to help real estate professionals
become aware of emerging trends and their probable impact on local real estate values.
Real Estate Finance
Real Estate Finance is designed to explore the alternatives in financing through the use of a combination of theories and current practices related to real estate. The loan process is discussed in practical terms from application to closing, including explanations of default and foreclosure. The latest information has been included on FHA, DVA, and Cal-Vet loans. Details on the National Housing Acts, Regulation Z, and other important laws, as they impact the financial market have been provided. This course is offered entirely online.
Real Estate Practice
The Real Estate Practice course is designed as a practical guide to basic, everyday activities of the real estate broker and sales associate from setting up the office, electing and training agents, obtaining and advertising listings, through closing the transactions. Covering all aspects of the field, it is an ideal working course for the real estate professional. This course is offered entirely online.
Real Estate Principles
This course provides a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the methods and practices currently used in the California real estate industry. Offering fundamentals for a sound working knowledge, it is an ideal course for license candidates and real estate professionals, as well as for anyone with an interest in real property ownership and transfer. This course is offered entirely online.
The school charges a nonrefundable registration fee of $25.00 in the event of cancellation before eight (8) calendar days.
The tuition for each online Pre-License/Statutory course is $99.00. Reading and reference materials are provided online. Students are allowed to download and print approved reading material and Incremental Assessment/Quizzes. It is illegal to download and/or print all or any part of a Final Examination. All course material is delivered in a digital format. No tangible goods are included in the tuition.
Courses are offered through online presentations. There are no attendance requirements in these online courses. The student must read the approved online material; answer quiz questions in an online Incremental Assessment format and must pass the Final Examinations under online guidelines for each license course.
INCREMENTAL ASSESSMENTS/QUIZZES GUIDELINES- Students are REQUIRED TO READ the course material and complete the Incremental Assessments/Quizzes before proceeding to the Final Examination.
- All Incremental Assessments/Quizzes are provided in an OPEN BOOK ONLINE FORMAT.
- All Incremental Assessments are provided in a MULTIPLE CHOICE FORMAT.
- A passing score is NOT required to complete the Incremental Assessments.
- Incremental Assessments will be enabled by Executive Programs Advisors.
- You ARE allowed to Login and Logout while completing the Incremental Assessment questions. When you log back in you will be able to continue where you left off.
- You must FIRST answer the Incremental Assessment question before the online program will provide remediation for the Assessment question.
- YOU WILL BE GIVEN THREE (3) OPPORTUNITIES to answer the Assessment question correctly before the online program moves you to the next logical unit of reading material.
- Students CANNOT take any course Final Examination prior to 18 days from the date of registration.
- Pre-License/Statutory Courses MUST BE TAKEN CONSECUTIVELY through Executive Programs. You must complete one (1) License course at a time before proceeding to another License course.
- Students MUST SPEND THE REQUISITE NUMBER OF HOURS completing each Pre-License/Statutory Course. Each Pre-License/Statutory course is equivalent to a 45 hour 3 unit college level course. Therefore, the student must spend a minimum of 45 hours reading and completing the Incremental Assessments.
- Upon completion of the Incremental Assessments, the online program will produce your score in a SUMMARY REMEDIATION REPORT. The Summary Remediation Report will help you learn from your Incremental Assessment answers.
- Students MAY REPEAT THE INCREMENTAL ASSESSMENTS indefinitely up to one (1) year from the date of registration.
- Students CANNOT take the course Final Examination BEFORE completing the required reading and Incremental Assessment questions.
Student do not need to pass the quizzes with a particular score. However, each college-level course requires the student to pass the Final Examination with a score of 60% or higher to receive credit for the course. Each Final Examination consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and one and one-half (1.5) minutes per question or 150 minutes to complete. The questions reflect a good overall coverage of the subject. In the event the student does not pass the Final Examination, they are allowed to take a second final exam. The second final exam will be comprised of different questions than the original final exam. If the student fails the second final exam, the student must re-enroll, complete all the credit hours, chapter review quizzes and pass the final exam to receive credit for the course.
Under Online guidelines, the Final Examination must be completed by the student within 150 minutes with a score of 60% or higher to receive credit for the course. The student may complete the License qualification course in as few as 2½ weeks, however, the student must complete the course within the contract enrollment period, and continuation will require re-enrollment and payment of additional fees. Enrollees are cautioned that this educational institution maintains student records for a five (5) year period only.
- Students are ALLOWED 1.5 MINUTES PER QUESTION, collectively, to complete and pass any Pre-License/Statutory course. For instance, a 100 question Final Exam would allow 2.5 hours (or 150 minutes) to complete the test.
- All Final Examinations are offered in a MULTIPLE CHOICE FORMAT.
- YOU CANNOT "PAUSE" A FINAL EXAMINATION once you have begun. Your Final Examination will continue and automatically Timeout at the allotted time of 1.5 minutes per question collectively.
- California Department of Real Estate Regulations requires a MINIMUM SCORE OF 60% on any Final Examination to pass any Pre-License/Statutory course.
- All Final Examinations will be enabled by Executive Programs Advisors.
- STUDENTS WILL NOT BE GIVEN THE CORRECT ANSWER to any Final Examination question. Students will learn their score upon completion of each course Final Examination.
- IF YOU FAIL A FINAL EXAMINATION, you are allowed to take a second final exam. The second final exam will be comprised of different questions than the original final exam. If the student fails the second final exam, the student must re-enroll, complete all the credit hours, chapter review quizzes and pass the final exam to receive credit for the course.
- Students must complete the course, Incremental Assessments and Final Examination by himself/herself.
- STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE EACH LICENSE COURSE CONSECUTIVELY from the date of registration. The minimum time allowed is 18 days per course.
Courses are offered through online presentation. There are no attendance requirements in online presentations. Students must read the approved and required online materials; complete the online Incremental Assessment exercises in a multiple choice format, and must pass a Final Examination under online and state required guidelines. Executive Programs Real Estate School will act as the monitor for any online college-level course. Students are assisted by Telephone Advisors. Incremental Assessments/quizzes and Final Examination segments will be enabled once the minimum state required time frame has been satisfied. Students are required to provide state required photo identification,
log in using a unique user name and password. The Incremental Assessments and Final Examination will automatically timeout at the mandated time limit.
The Final Examination segment is neither printable nor downloadable. The Final Examination segment will "time-out" after the allotted time has expired; the student is not allowed to continue working on the Final Examination segment after the expiration of the allotted time. The time to complete the Final Examination segment starts when the student first accesses the online Final Examination segment. The only material that students can use to complete an open-book Final Examination segment is the course materials that have been approved by DRE for that particular course. Executive Programs cannot provide assistance to the student during the administration of the Final Examination segment; each student must complete the Final Examination segment by himself/herself. Executive Programs will instruct the student that they are required to spend the requisite number of study hours and of the DRE approved course material before taking the Final Examination segment, i.e., a 45 hour or 3 unit courses requires 45 hours of study time.
The students are assisted by live Telephone Advisors. The Final Examinations will be enabled once the minimum state required time frame and Incremental Assessments have been satisfied. Students are required to provide state approved identification and log in using unique usernames and passwords. By logging in they are confirming each time they are the person enrolled in the course, completing the Incremental Assessments and passing the Final Examination. The Final Examinations are not printable or downloadable and will automatically time out after the mandated time limit. No reading or resource material is tangible and no tangible written or recorded materials are for sale. The true object of the school is to provide the service of an online course and instruction.
Prior to enrollment, the student will be asked to discuss any previous education and/or experience which is relevant to the course of study. Appropriate credit may be granted and the number of license qualification courses may be lessened and fees adjusted. The student records will document any such action taken. There are no enrollment pre-requisites for the Sales or Broker Courses of Study. This school does not discriminate on the grounds of race, sex, age, handicap, and/or any federal or state law relative hereto.
This course is exempt from Article 2.5. Since the school offers courses through the online method, it can only provide passage rates for this course, not for the state examination.
A participant shall provide one of the following forms of identification immediately before enrolling in an online presentation of an offering or, immediately before the administration of the Final Examination.
(a) A current California Driver's License.
(b) A California License Identification Number (Section 13000 of the California Vehicle Code.)
(c) A real estate related trade organization or government agency identification issued in the last five (5) years, which bears a photograph, signature, and identification number of participant.
Upon enrollment, entering Incremental Assessments or beginning the Final Examination, the student must provide their unique user name, password and approved form of identification number. By doing so, they are agreeing to the following:
"By entering the following identification information, I am verifying under penalty of perjury I am the person enrolled in this course and taking the Final Examination."
Executive Programs has provision for cancellation and refund or transfer of registration. You may transfer fees to any other program offered by the school and/or transfer fees to another student at no additional charge.
Buyer's Right to Cancel
You have until midnight of the eighth calendar day from the date of enrollment to cancel any and all agreements and charges, less the $25.00 registration fee. Cancellation must be made in person, email or certified letter. Email date and postmark will determine the cancellation time period. No refund will be issued on the ninth calendar day after enrollment.
Refund Policy
You may cancel enrollment within eight (8) calendar days from the date of enrollment and receive a full refund of all monies paid, less the $25.00 registration fee, provided no quizzes have been completed, or online products used. No refund will be issued after the above mentioned time period. Refunds will be processed within 45 days of compliance with the preceding conditions.
"This course is approved for Pre-License/Statutory qualification credit by the California Department of Real Estate. However, this approval does not constitute an endorsement of the views or opinions which are expressed by the course sponsor, instructor, authors, or lecturers."
This school does not discriminate on the grounds of race, sex, age, handicap, and/or any federal or state law relative hereto.
- A minimum of eighteen (18) days is required from the date of enrollment to complete the first online course.
- DRE approved reading/reference material is required for your course. Executive Programs provides all reading materials online. Students are not allowed to download or print any part of an online Final Examination.
- Your Incremental Assessment Quizzes must be completed before a Certificate of Completion will be issued.
- You must pass your Final Examination with a score of 60% or higher.
- When participating in an online course, students must log in with a current identification acceptable by the California Department of Real Estate along with a unique user name and password.
- A maximum of two (2) computers maybe used during a single enrollment period.
- If additional computers are detected, the user account will be deactivated and must be reset by Executive Programs staff.
- You have eight (8) calendar days from your date of enrollment to cancel your enrollment and receive a full refund, less registration fee of $25.00.
- Your course and/or preparation will expire one (1) year from your date of enrollment.
- Under online guidelines, Executive Programs operates as the Monitor for all Final Examinations.
- Tuition must be paid in full for all programs, courses, or products ordered before any Certificate of Professional Achievement will be issued for any course.
Additional Rules and Regulations can be found at www.eprealestateschool.com
A course and instructor evaluation is available on the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) website at www.dre.ca.gov. Access this form by typing in "RE 318A" in the search box located in the upper right corner of the home page.
Executive Programs
PO Box 5407
Oxnard, CA 93031
Ph: 1-800-416-1996
Rev 16