Continuing Education » Course Descriptions

Legal Aspects of Real Estate, Agency, Ethics, Fair Housing, Management & Supervision, Risk Management and Trust Funds
Legal Aspects of Real Estate - 30 Hours 3874-XXXX
No other subject is as important to both the real estate practitioner and layman alike as the Legal Aspects of Real Estate. Methods of property ownership, elements of contracts, marketability of title, complications of easements, types of encumbrances, essentials of a valid escrow, landlord/tenant law, effects of taxation and assessments, and agency relationships are but a few of the many subjects covered in depth. This course is approved for thirty (30) hours of Consumer Protection for license renewal.
Title: Legal Aspects of Real Estate Textbook/Outline; Author: Michelle North; Copyright Date: Egghead Publishers, LLC - 2018; Pages: 319.
Agency - 3 Hours 3874-XXXX
This course in Agency includes, as the primary focus of the course, coverage of agency relationships in a modern brokerage practice, review of duties, required disclosures and confidences and required forms, including those specified under Civil Code Section 2295 et seq., as related to: in-house sales, cooperative sales, dual agency, and buyer's brokerage. (Other agency topics of current interest that are related to the activities of California real estate licensees are included in this course.)
This course also discusses the legal relationship whereby a principal appoints an agent to act on his/her behalf. The student will learn: agents have broad or limited power; how agencies are created; full disclosure; fiduciary responsibility; due care and loyalty. Also covered in this course are implied power and express authority. This course is approved for three (3) hours in the Agency category for license renewal.
Title: Agency Textbook; Author: Michelle North; Copyright Date: Egghead Publishers, LLC - 2018; Pages: 60.
Ethics - 3 Hours 3874-XXXX
The Ethics course includes three hours of extensive coverage of ethical practices, and where appropriate by way of example, unethical conduct involving real estate licensees that could be considered a violation of one or more subsections of B&P Code Sections 10176 and/or 10177.
This course also covers the ethical standards of real estate professional organizations, institutes, societies, etc., as well as specialized areas of real estate practice, e.g., commercial, industrial, business opportunities, mortgage lending, etc., and appropriate court decisions and practical examples and/or case studies as related to real estate practice and ethical behavior.
Laws set the minimum standard of acceptable human behavior. Ethics go far beyond the law and determine not if an action is legal, but whether it is right or just. Ethics, in fact, precede the law. Ethics, in fact, precede the law. Actions that formerly were legal but unethical are not often illegal. Court decisions have been applying the precepts of ethics to activities of real estate and determining that legal duties exist where no duties formerly were recognized. This course is approved for three (3) hours in the Ethics category for license renewal.
Title: Ethics Textbook; Author: Michelle North; Copyright Date: Egghead Publishers, LLC - 2018; Pages: 77.
Fair Housing - 3 Hours 3874-XXXX
The Fair Housing course should provide real estate licensees with: knowledge of Federal and State fair housing laws relating to the sale and rental of real estate; knowledge of selected Federal and State civil rights and anti-discrimination laws relating to real property transactions and business establishments; the ability to avoid practices that could be considered discriminatory in commercial and residential transactions and facilities; an understanding of the Voluntary Affirmative Marketing Agreement (VAMA) and its application in the real estate industry; and the desire to commit to affirmative compliance with the fair housing laws.
The main emphasis of this course will be on covering the Federal and State fair housing laws relating to the sale and rental of real property. By covering these laws, subtopics such as redlining, advertising, refusing to show property, blockbusting, etc., will be addressed.
This course covers the laws concerning discrimination such as California Fair Housing Laws, Fair Employment and Housing Act, Unruh Civil Rights Act, California Business and Professions Code, California Real Estate Commissioners Regulations, Americans with Disabilities Act, and any laws, statutes, or regulations related to fair housing. This course is approved for three (3) hours in the Fair Housing category for license renewal.
Title: Fair Housing Textbook; Author: Michelle North; Copyright Date: Egghead Publishers, LLC - 2018; Pages; 77.
Management & Supervision - 3 Hours 3874-XXXX
The Management & Supervision course provides the real estate broker and licensee knowledge of broker management and supervision to fulfill the requirements set forth under Business & Professions Code §10159.2, and Commissioner's Regulations 2724, 2725, 2725.5, 2726 and 2743. Topics include: how to establish policies, rules, and procedures including systems to review, inspect and manage offices; supervision of all transactions involving a real estate licensee; retaining and reviewing documents which may have a material effect upon the rights or obligations of a party in a transaction; the proper filing, storage and maintenance of documents; and proper handling of trust funds.
The course also covers: advertising of any service for which a license is required; familiarizing salespersons with the requirements of federal and state laws relating to the prohibition of discrimination; regular and consistent reports of licensed activities of salespersons.; the role and responsibilities of branch or division managers; the responsibilities of a broker to ensure salespersons working as "teams" are in compliance with B&P §10159.7; and supervision over restricted licensees. This course is approved for three (3) hours in the Management & Supervision category for license renewal.
Title: Management & Supervision Textbook; Author: Michelle North; Copyright Date: Egghead Publishers, LLC - 2018; Pages; 102.
Risk Management - 3 Hours 3874-XXXX
The Risk Management course should provide the student with knowledge of the principles, practices, and procedures calculated to avoid errors and omissions in the practice of real estate licensed activities, and the ability to recognize and resolve issues, and appropriately handle situations that most frequently result in litigation.
Risk Management can be applied to a wide range of functions and activities including negligence, negligent misrepresentation, intentional misrepresentation, fraud, constructive fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract, violation of Business and Professionals Code Section 17200 et seq., breach of duties pursuant to Civil Code Sections 1102 and 2079, etc. This course is approved for three (3) hours in the Risk Management category for license renewal.
Title: Risk Management Textbook; Author: Michelle North; Copyright Date: Egghead Publishers, LLC - 2018; Pages; 118.
Trust Funds - 3 Hours 3874-XXXX
The Risk Management course should provide the student with knowledge of the principles, practices, and procedures calculated to avoid errors and omissions in the practice of real estate licensed activities, and the ability to recognize and resolve issues, and appropriately handle situations that most frequently result in litigation.
Topics included in the course are: trust funds vs. non-trust funds; trust fund handling requirements; identifying the owner(s) of the funds; advance fee trust funds; trust fund bank accounts; accounting records; reconciliation of accounting records; documentation requirements; audits and examinations; consequences of trust funds conversion; and sample transactions to explain use of records. This course is approved for three (3) hours in the Trust Funds category for license renewal.
Title: Trust Funds Textbook; Author: Michelle North; Copyright Date: Egghead Publishers, LLC - 2018; Pages: 60.
Tuition for each continuing education course ranges between $39.00 and $79.00. Course materials are provided in a static format according to DRE Regulation 3007.3(j)(1). Students are allowed to download and print any reading materials, Incremental Assessments/quizzes and Summary Remediation. Final Examinations are NOT downloadable or printable. No materials will be provided in a tangible format for Continuing Education.
Registration Fee $159.00
No tangible textbooks or materials are provided.
METHOD OF COURSE PRESENTATION- Correspondence/Internet Exam
- Students ARE required to read the course material and complete the Incremental Assessments before proceeding to the Final Examination.
- Etextbooks or course outlines are provided in a static print format (PDFs) and can be downloaded and printed in accordance with DRE Regulation 3007.3(j)(1).
- Students may access, read, print and complete course outlines and etextbooks AFTER reading and agreeing to the Course Guidelines.
- You CANNOT advance forward until each logical unit and Assessment question is completed.
- Students CANNOT return to any Incremental Assessment question answered. Students must continue until the entire Incremental Assessment module is completed. After the module is completed, students may repeat the Incremental Assessment exercise.
- Upon completion of your Incremental Assessments, the online program will produce your score in a Summary Remediation Report. The Summary Remediation Report will help you learn from your answer selections.
- All Incremental Assessment questions are provided in an open book online format.
- All Incremental Assessment questions are provided in a multiple choice format.
- A passing score is NOT required to complete the Incremental Assessments.
- Incremental Assessments will be enabled by Executive Programs Advisors.
- You ARE allowed to Login and Logout while completing the Incremental Assessment questions. When you log back in, you will be able to continue your Assessment questions where you last left.
- You must FIRST answer the Incremental Assessment question before the online program will provide remediation for the Assessment question. AFTER you answer the Incremental Assessment question, a mouse over HELP feature is available with further instruction and remediation concerning the question.
- You will be given three (3) opportunities to answer the Assessment question correctly before the online program moves you to the next logical unit of reading material.
- Students CANNOT begin a Final Examination for any course prior to 24 hours from the time the Incremental Assessments for that course are completed.
- For a correspondence course that uses static print delivered in electronic media, a maximum of eight (8) hours reading time per day shall be utilized in calculating the number of days that must lapse from the time the participant has had access to the course material until the Final Examination can be accessed.
45 Hour Continuing Education Course Minimum Completion Time Frame
Day 1 Date of Registration Day 2-7 Course Outline Reading and Incremental Assessments/Quizzes Minimum Lapse Time Day 8 Final Examination(s): Up to 15 hours of CE Credit Hours. Day 9 Final Examination(s): Up to 15 hours of CE Credit Hours. Day 10 Final Examination(s): Up to 15 hours of CE Credit Hours. Day 11 Final Examination(s): Up to 15 hours of CE Credit Hours. - The California Department of Real Estate maintains strict minimum and maximum time restrictions. You have up to one (1) year, from the date of registration to complete your continuing education courses. Final Examinations must be taken and passed before midnight of your course expiration date.
Incremental Assessment Instructions
Legal Aspects of Real Estate | 100 |
Agency | 40 |
Ethics | 40 |
Fair Housing | 40 |
Management & Supervision | 40 |
Risk Management | 40 |
Trust Funds | 40 |
DRE Regulation 3007.3 (j) (1) – A maximum of eight (8) hours reading time per day shall be used to calculate the minimum number of days that must lapse from the time the participant has had access to the course material before a Final Examination can be taken.
A participant shall provide one of the following forms of identification immediately before enrolling in an online presentation of an offering or, immediately before the administration of the final examination.
(a) A current California Driver’s License which bears a photograph, signature and identification number of participant.
(b) A California License Identification Number which bears a photograph, signature and identification number of participant. (Section 13000 of the California Vehicle Code)
(c) A real estate related trade organization or government agency identification issued in the last five (5) years, which bears a photograph, signature, and identification number of participant.
3007.3 Final Examination Rules.
(a) (3) Participants taking an online continuing education offering or package of offerings shall be limited to completion of final examinations for that offering for a maximum of fifteen (15) credit hours during any one 24 hour period.
- It is illegal and against the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) regulations to download or print any Final Examination; in part or its entirety. (DRE Reg. 3007.3 (a)) (DRE Reg. 3006 (o))
- The program will NOT direct you specifically to where you can locate the answer to any question in a Final Examination.
- Students are allowed to open two (2) browsers while taking a Final Examination. One browser can be used for reading material resource. The second browser can be used to take the Final Examination.
- The Final Examination is an Open Book Test. You are only allowed to use approved course reading materials as a resource to find answer selections. (DRE Reg. 3007.3 (g))
- All Final Examinations are offered in a multiple choice format. (DRE Reg. 3007.3 (d))
- Students are allowed One (1) Minute per Question, collectively, to complete and pass any Continuing Education Final Examination. For instance, a 15 question Final Examination would allow 15 minutes to complete and pass. (DRE Reg. 3007.3 (f))
- You CANNOT “pause” a Final Examination once you have begun. Your Final Examination timer will continue and automatically TIMEOUT at the allotted time of one (1) minute per question, collectively. (DRE Reg. 3007.3 (f))
- DRE Regulations Require a Minimum Score Of 70% on any Final Examination to pass a Continuing Education course. (DRE Reg. 3007.3 (o))
- Students will NOT be given the correct answer to any Final Examination question. Students will learn their score upon completion of each Final Examination.
- Students must complete the course, Incremental Assessments and Final Examinations by himself/herself. (DRE Reg. 3006 (o))
- Students are limited to completing NO MORE THAN 15 CREDIT HOURS OF ANY FINAL EXAMINATION IN A 24 HOUR PERIOD. The maximum time to complete the Continuing Education package is one (1) year from the date of enrollment. Any course Final Examination must be taken before midnight of your course expiration date. (DRE Reg. 3007.3 (c))
- Licensees are responsible to complete their 45 hour license renewal program within their own personal real estate license four (4) year period. EXECUTIVE PROGRAMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TRACKING INDIVIDUAL LICENSEE RENEWAL DEADLINES. Individual license expiration dates can be found on the DRE website or on licensee’s DRE identification card. (B&P Code § 10170 and 10170.5 (a))
Final Examinations will be available as follows:
Final Examination Module 1: Legal Aspects of Real Estate Final Exam 1-A
Legal Aspects of Real Estate is approved for 30 hours of Continuing Education credit. You cannot complete more than 15 hours of course credit within a 24 hour period. The final exam for the 30 hour Legal Aspects of Real Estate course totals 100 multiple choice questions. Only questions 1 – 50 can be taken the first day you are eligible to take a final examination. REMEMBER: You will not be eligible to start another final examination before 24 hours from the time you completed the previous final examination.
Per DRE Regulation 3007.3(c) - A 30 Hour Continuing Education Course Final Examination must be administered in two (2) parts; Final Examination Module 1 and Final Examination Module 2. Legal Aspects of Real Estate Final Examinations 1-A and 1-B scores are combined and averaged. You must achieve a combined score of 70% to pass the Legal Aspects of Real Estate course. (DRE Reg. 3007.3(o)) -
Final Examination Module 2: Legal Aspects of Real Estate Final Exam 1-B
Legal Aspects of Real Estate is approved for 30 hours of Continuing Education credit. You cannot take more than 15 hours of course credit within a 24 hour period. The final exam for the 30 hour Legal Aspects of Real Estate course totals 100 multiple choice questions. Questions 51 – 100 can be taken the second day you are eligible to take the second half of the Legal Aspects of Real Estate final examination. REMEMBER: You will not be eligible to start another final examination before 24 hours from the time you completed the previous final examination.
Per DRE Regulation 3007.3(c) - A 30 Hour Continuing Education Course Final Examination must be administered in two (2) parts; Final Examination Module 1 and Final Examination Module 2. Legal Aspects of Real Estate Final Examinations 1-A and 1-B scores are combined and averaged. You must achieve a combined score of 70% to pass the Legal Aspects of Real Estate course. (DRE Reg. 3007.3(o)) -
Final Examination Module 3: Five (5) – Three (3) Hour Mandatory Courses
The third 15 credit hours Final Examination Module will be available 24 hours from the time you FINISHED your second Final Examination Module. The third Final Examination Module will include the five (5) - three (3) hour mandatory continuing education courses. -
Final Examination Module 4: One (1) – Three (3) Hour Mandatory Course
The fourth 15 credit hours Final Examination Module will be available 24 hours from the time you FINISHED your third Final Examination Module. The fourth Final Examination Module will include the one (1) - three (3) hour mandatory continuing education courses.
Legal Aspects of Real Estate/1-A 35 Legal Aspects of Real Estate/1-B 35 Agency 15 Ethics 15 Fair Housing 15 Management & Supervision 15 Risk Management 15 Trust Funds 15 -
If you fail a Final Examination, you will be provided ONE (1) opportunity to take a second Final Examination. The questions on the second Final Examination will be different from those on the first exam. (DRE Reg. 3007.3 (k))
Failure to pass the second Final Examination, for any subject, requires starting over and completing the Continuing Education course subject again. Starting the course over will require minimum course completion time frames to restart. (DRE Reg. 3007.3 (k))
The California Department of Real Estate requires the student ensure by written statement, signed under penalty of perjury, that the participant enrolled is the person completing the required course hours of study and taking the final examination. (DRE Reg. 3006(o))
The final examinations are neither printable nor downloadable. The final examinations will “time-out” after the allotted time has expired; the student is not allowed to continue working on the final examinations after the expiration of the allotted time. The time to complete the final examinations starts when the student first accesses the online final examinations. The only materials that the student can use to complete an open-book final examination are the course material that has been approved by DRE for that particular course. However, Executive Programs staff or Advisors cannot provide assistance to the student during the administration of the final examinations; each student must complete the final examinations by himself/herself. Executive Programs will instruct the student that they are required to spend the requisite number of study hours and of the DRE approved course material before taking the final examination.
Upon enrollment, entering Incremental Assessments or beginning the final examination, the student must provide their unique user name, password and approved form of identification number. By doing so, they are agreeing to the following:
“By entering my approved photo identification (DRE Reg. 3007.05), I am electronically ensuring, under penalty of perjury, that I am the person enrolled, completing the required course hours of study and taking the final examination. (DRE Reg. 3006 (o))”
When the student completes their course requirements and prior to sending the Certificate of Completion for Continuing Education Courses, an Executive Programs Telephone Advisor will review their entire file to be certain all California Department of Real Estate rules and regulations were followed.
Tuition includes all course service; static reading material delivered electronically, online final examination and certification of course completion. You have eight (8) calendar days from the date of enrollment to cancel any and all agreements and charges. Cancellation must be made in writing. Students can fax, email or mail their written cancellation. The date of the fax, email or postmark will determine the date of cancellation. Cancellations will not be accepted on the ninth (9th) day. In addition to written cancellation within eight (8) days, students may not have undertaken any course work. Refunds will be processed within 45 days of compliance with the above. Test Preparation products will not be eligible for any refund. All education evaluations are good faith estimates made by Executive Programs Advisors based on information provided by prospective students. No guarantees or warranties are given concerning the accuracy of the evaluation. Additional course(s) or exchange of courses may be required upon final determination made by the California Department of Real Estate. This could result in additional tuition Executive Programs has provision for cancellation and refund or transfer of registration. You may transfer fees to any other program offered by the school and/or transfer fees to another student at no additional charge.
- Your tuition must be paid in full before a Certificate of Completion will be issued. If you receive a free course with the purchase of any other course or program, all tuition must be paid before a Certificate of Completion for any will be issued.
- Tuition must be paid for all programs, courses or products before any Certificate of Professional Achievement will be issued for any course.
Executive Programs Real Estate School does not discriminate on the grounds of race, sex, age, handicap, and/or any federal or state law relative hereto.
“These courses are approved for continuing education credit by the California Department of Real Estate. However, this approval does not constitute an endorsement of the views or opinions which are expressed by the course sponsor, instructor, authors, or lecturers.”
Online Evaluation Statement
A course and instructor evaluation is available on the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) website. The purpose of this evaluation is to assist the DRE in better serving the educational needs of real estate licensees. Each student may access the DRE Course Evaluation form at this link:
Course Provider Complaint Statement
A course provider complaint form is available on the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) website at Access this form by typing in “RE 340” in the search box located in the upper right corner of the home page. An informational form regarding course provider complaints, “RE 340A” is also available.
Executive Programs
PO Box 5407
Oxnard, CA 93031
Ph: 1-800-416-1996